General Terms and Conditions for Service Providers
§ 1 General Provisions
- These General Terms and Conditions for Service Providers constitute an integral part of each Service contract entered into between the Contractor and Corporate Diplomats & Translators Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Ksawerów 3, 02-656 Warszawa, entered by the District Court for the Capital City of Warszawa, 13th Business Division of the National Court Register under No. 0000863770, NIP [VAT] No. 1182214829, REGON [National Official Business Register] No. 387299795, e-mail address:
- The Vendor’s acceptance of an order for execution shall be understood as entering into a contract and acceptance of the terms set forth below. Exclusion, extension, and any changes to the following terms shall require individual contractual provisions made in writing by the Parties.
- The Vendor shall provide the Service for Corporate Diplomats & Translators Sp. z o.o. via the website of the platform according to the terms specified in these General Terms and Conditions for Service Providers and in the Terms of Use of the platform.
§ 2 Definitions
Corporate Diplomats & Translators – as defined in these General Terms: Corporate Diplomats & Translators Sp. z
o.o. with its registered office at ul. Ksawerów 3, 02-656 Warszawa, entered by the District Court for the Capital City of Warszawa, 13th Business Division of the Nati
onal Court Register under No. 0000863770, NIP [VAT] No. 1182214829, REGON [National Official Business Register
] No. 387299795, e-mail address:
Client – a natural person with full legal capacity to act or a legal person or other unincorporated organisational unit, acting through an authorised person who has entered into a service contract with Corporate Diplomats & Translators Sp. z
Service Provider – a person providing translation, verification, editing, proofreading, DTP, typesetting, interpreting, advisory/consulting,
training, lecture, and related services.
Service – translation, interpretation, verification, editing, proofreading, DTP, typesetting, consulting, training, lecture and related services that have been subcontracted to the Provider as a subcontractor.
Translation – the act of translating the source language text into the target language text in a written form.
Postediting – the act editing and verifying a machine translation product during which a post-editor edits a product automatically generated by a machine translation system; this shall not include the translator’s ability to read and use a suggestion made by a machine translation system integrated with a computer-aided translation (CAT) tool.
Verification – a bilingual check consisting in comparing the target language text with the source language text for compliance with its purpose.
Editing – a monolingual check of the target language text for compliance with its purpose.
Proofreading – checking the verified target language text and making corrections before printing.
Interpretation (consecutive or booth simultaneous interpretation) – the act of translating spoken or manually-coded information from one language to another in oral or manually-coded form.
Desktop Publishing (DTP) – computer preparation for printing, including the design phase, i.e. the creation of the image (and shape) of publication pages using software, the management of group work, etc.
Advisory/Consulting Service
– a wide range of services, starting from defining company strategy, through reorganisation and human capital management, and ending with design and implementation of solutions.
Training – a non-school process of learning, acquiring knowledge and skills, or improving and supplementing already acquired professional or general qualifications.
Coach – a person who conducts training and whose primarily aim is to teach skills and behaviours, such as sales call, public speaking, and effective time management, and not to provide knowledge as such.
Lecture – a method of teaching that involves oral transmission of knowledge to the audience (typically without its active participation and limited to asking questions, if any, during or after the lecture).
Lecturer – a person who presents a given subject by means of a lecture.
Platform – a website operated by
Terms of Use – the Terms of Use of the platform.
General Terms – these General Terms and Conditions for Service Providers.
Specification – precise terms of performance of the Service, including in particular the completion date, delivery method, terms of payment, etc.
Contract – a contract between Corporate Diplomats & Translators Sp. z
o.o. and the Service Provider subject to these General Terms.
GDPR – Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
Data Controller – as defined in these General Terms: Corporate Diplomats & Translators Sp. z
Processor – as defined in these General Terms: Service Provider.
§ 3 Subject matter and scope of the contract
- Corporate Diplomats & Translators shall order and the Service Provider shall accept the order for translation in accordance with the specification received from Corporate Diplomats & Translators.
- The Service Provider represents that it has the necessary knowledge, qualifications, experience, skills, and technical resources to perform and deliver the Service and that it shall be fully responsible for the correctness, quality, and timeliness of the performance of the Service.
- The Service Provider represents that its technical resources, equipment, and software come from legitimate sources and that it has all the relevant licences required for their use.
- The Service Provider shall perform the Service personally and in accordance with applicable law. In particular, the Service Provider shall be responsible for any violation of personal rights of third parties and copyrights of other authors.
- As a specialist, the Service Provider shall ensure that the Service provided is free from defects.
- The Service Provider represents that it provides services in a professional and organised way, for commercial purposes, on its own behalf and on a continuous basis.
- The Service Provider shall be liable for the acts and omissions of persons it appoints for performance of its obligations under the Contract as for its own acts or omissions.
§ 4 Service Delivery Method and Information Security
- Corporate Diplomats & Translators represents that it adheres to the highest level of information security management, including information security for the processing of personal data.
- In order to maintain the highest level of information security, Corporate Diplomats & Translators has launched and administers a secure platform:, hosted on the website, dedicated to the management of service orders and deliveries for Service Providers and Clients.
- The Service Provider shall communicate with Corporate Diplomats & Translators via the platform. The Service Provider shall use the platform primarily to download files necessary to perform the Service, and to upload files after the Service is performed. In exceptional circumstances, the Service Provider shall have the right to contact Corporate Diplomats & Translators by e-mail at or in any other form as agreed.
- The Servicer Provider shall not provide access data, including login and password to the platform, to third parties.
§ 5 Service Quality Assessment
- In order to ensure the highest quality of the Services, Corporate Diplomats & Translators shall supervise the performance of the Service by the Service Provider. Upon receipt of the completed Service from the Service Provider and before the Service is released to the Client, Corporate Diplomats & Translators agrees to perform the quality control as prescribed by standards and procedures of Corporate Diplomats & Translators.
- For the Service quality assessment, Corporate Diplomats & Translators shall use its own assessment system called TRAFFIC LIGHTS. The detailed description of error categories used for assessment is constitutes Appendix to these General Terms and Conditions for Service Providers.
- Should the Service Provider provide a defective Service, a Service inconsistent with the order specification, or a Service marked as satisfactory, pass or failing in the TRAFFIC LIGHTS system, Corporate Diplomats & Translators may demand that the Service Provide rectify any defects within a specified time limit. Upon ineffective expiry of the indicated time limit, Corporate Diplomats & Translators may withdraw from the contract or hire another Service Provider to rectify the defects or perform the translation at the expense and risk of the Service Provider.
- Should it be impossible to rectify the defects or should the overview of the situation give grounds to conclude that the Service Provider will not be able to rectify them in due time, Corporate Diplomats & Translators may withdraw from the contract. If the defects found are not serious, Corporate Diplomats & Translators may claim a reduction in remuneration in proportion to the defects found. The same shall apply should the Service Provider fail to rectify the defects within the time limit specified by Corporate Diplomats & Translators.
- If Corporate Diplomats & Translators provided the Service Provider with any material, Corporate Diplomats & Translators may – in the event of withdrawal from the contract or hiring another person to complete the order – demand that such material be returned and the commenced (unfinished) order outcome provided at the expense of the Service Provider.
- The Service Provider who has failed to perform the work or has performed it incorrectly through its own fault, thus causing damage to Corporate Diplomats & Translators, shall be financially responsible proportionally to the damage caused.
§ 6 Delay in the Performance of the Service
- Should the Service Provider be in delay with beginning or finishing the order processing so much that it is unlikely for the translation to be completed on time, Corporate Diplomats & Translators may, without setting an additional time limit, withdraw from the contract even before the deadline.
- Should the Service Provider fail to meet the deadline for Service delivery, Corporate Diplomats & Translators may withdraw from the contract with immediate effect and refuse to accept the ordered Service.
§ 7 Responsibility of the Service Provider
- The Service Provider shall cooperate with Corporate Diplomats & Translators. In the absence of such cooperation, Corporate Diplomats & Translators shall request the Service Provider to cease the breach, and may specify a reasonable time limit for the Service Provider, with the sanction that Corporate Diplomats & Translators shall have the right to withdraw from the contract, with immediate effect, upon ineffective expiry of such a limit.
- The Service Provider shall provide all information about the course of order processing, and other information necessary for the proper provision of the Service, including in particular any obstacles that may affect the Service quality and completion date.
§ 8 Order Settlement
- A source word or a target page containing 1,800 characters with spaces (for non-certified translations) shall be used as the unit of account. The number of words and characters shall be counted in MS Word using the “Word Count” function or in other word counting tools. The total number of characters with spaces shall be divided by 1,800 and the quotient shall be rounded to two decimal places.
- For certified translations, one settlement page shall amount to 1,125 characters with spaces. The number of characters shall be counted in MS Word using the “Word Count” function or in other word counting tools. The total number of characters with spaces shall be divided by 1,125. Each started document page shall be counted as a full page.
- Should the Service be performed using CAT, e.g. Trados, the settlement shall also include the degree of matching.
- The rate per word or page of translation shall be agreed upon with the Service Provider and specified in the Service Provider’s profile on the platform before the Service Provider commences the Service. The above-mentioned arrangements shall form an integral part hereof.
- A clock hour or a four- or eight-hour block shall be used as the unit of account for interpreting.
- A 45-minute lesson period (class period) or training day shall be used as the unit of account for training/lecture.
- A clock hour shall be used as the unit of account for consulting services.
- The Service Provider shall incur the costs of access to/preparation of source/reference materials and technical aids necessary to complete the order. The Service Provider shall also incur the costs of delivering the Service to Corporate Diplomats & Translators, including the costs of mail, courier services, etc.
- The Service Provider shall issue and deliver to Corporate Diplomats & Translators a VAT invoice on the date of order completion.
- The due date for payment of a VAT invoice for the completed Service shall be 30 days from the date of receipt of a VAT invoice by Corporate Diplomats & Translators.
§ 9 Entrusting Personal Data Processing
I. Subject of the Contract
- The Controller shall entrust the processing of personal data to the Processor, and the Processor shall accept the personal data processed by the Controller, within the meaning of Article 4(7) of GDPR.
- The Parties represent that the personal data shall be entrusted for the purpose of performing a service contract. The Processor shall process personal data only upon the documented request of the Controller unless such an obligation is imposed on the Processor by Union law or law of a Member State to which the Processor is subject. In the latter case, the Processor shall inform the Controller of such a legal obligation prior to the processing unless such law prohibits such information due to an important public interest.
- The Processor shall process the following personal data:
- Name and surname
- PESEL [Personal Identification] No.
- NIP [VAT] No.
- REGON [National Official Business Register] No.
- Place of residence, address of stay, address for correspondence or place of business regarding individuals who are customers, and other personal data included in materials processed by the Processor.
- The Processor shall process personal data in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).
- The Processor shall keep confidential all personal data received from the Controller. Unless otherwise stipulated in the General Terms, the Processor shall not make any changes, modifications or deletions of, or cause any damage to, the data entrusted, unless such changes are made for the purpose resulting from a translation services contract.
- The Processor represents that it shall implement appropriate technical, organisational, and IT measures to ensure that the processing meets the requirements of GDPR, including Articles 25 and 32, and protects the rights of the data subjects. The Processor shall be authorised to process the data only to the extent and for the purpose indicated in the Contract.
- The Processor shall immediately inform the Controller of any events that have resulted, or may have resulted, in the disclosure of the entrusted personal data. The Processor shall keep the Processor informed of administrative proceedings in progress, issued decisions, planned and carried out inspections in relation to the processing of personal data by the Processor, conducted by the Personal Data Protection Office and other entities or state offices.
- he Controller shall provide the Processor with detailed information that may affect the security and confidentiality of personal data processed in connection with the contract.
- The Processor hereby declares that it has experience, knowledge and qualified staff for the proper performance of the services covered by the contract, including appropriate safeguards to process personal data in accordance with current regulations on personal data protection.
II. Obligations of the Processor
- The Processor shall take appropriate and necessary measures required under Article 32 of GDPR to protect personal data and, in particular, shall implement technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of violating the rights and freedoms of the data subjects. Depending on the extent of data access and the method of the processing, the Processor shall implement the following measures:
- pseudonymisation and encryption of personal data;
- the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability, and resilience of processing systems and services;
- the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident;
- a process for regularly testing, assessing, and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures for ensuring the security of the processing.
- The Processor shall process the personal data only upon the documented request of the Controller. The Processor may provide personal data to a third party only upon written consent of the Controller.
- The Processor shall ensure that each person who has access to personal data within the Processor’s organisational structure is authorised in writing to process personal data and agreed to indefinitely obliged to keep personal data confidential, including in particular not to transfer, disclose or make available such data to unauthorised persons, and to keep confidential the methods used to secure personal data. Only persons trained in the provisions of GDPR and the personal data security principles shall be authorised by the Processor to have access to personal data. The processor shall be liable for the actions of persons it appoints for the processing as for its own actions. The Processor shall ensure that persons authorised by the Processor use user authentication tools for electronic processing. Only the following persons shall be personally authorised by the Processor to process personal data:
- persons informed and trained in the personal data safety rules and acquainted with data protection regulations;
- persons obliged to process personal data to which they have been granted access only to the extent and for the purpose provided for in the Contract;
- persons indefinitely obliged to keep confidential the personal data processed in connection with the performance of the Contract, and in particular not to transfer, disclose or make available such data to unauthorised persons;
- persons indefinitely obliged to keep confidential the methods used to secure personal data;
- persons obliged not to change, lose, damage or destroy the data in breach of the Contract and GDPR.
- The Processor shall maintain the integrity of the entrusted data by using technical, organisational and IT measures protecting the data from deletion, destruction, loss, unauthorised modification or unauthorised disclosure, or giving unauthorised access by third parties to such data.
- By adopting appropriate technical and organisational measures, the Processor shall help the Controller to comply with the Controller’s obligation to respond to the data subject’s demands to exercise data subject’s rights specified in section III of GDPR.
- The Processor shall assist the Controller in complying with the obligations set out in Articles 32 to 36 of GDPR.
- Upon termination of the processing services, the Processor shall, at the option of the Controller and within 14 days of the termination of such services, remove access to all personal data or return all personal data to the Controller and delete any existing copies thereof.
- The Processor shall make available to the Controller all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the obligations set out in Article 28 of GDPR, and allow for and contribute to audits, including inspections, conducted by the Controller or another auditor mandated by the Controller.
- The Processor shall not entrust the data to another entity without prior detailed written consent of the Controller. The Processor shall have the right to entrust the processing to another entity only on the basis of the Controller’s written consent. In the event that the processing is entrusted to another entity, the Processor shall ensure that the contract with the entity to which the data have been entrusted has at least the same obligations as those imposed on the Processor in the contract and the same or a higher level of personal data security. The Processor shall have the right to entrust the processing of personal data to another entity (Subprocessor) for a strictly defined purpose and within a strictly defined scope. In the event that the Processor entrusts the processing of personal data to the Subprocessor, the Processor shall:
- enter into a separate written contract for entrusting personal data processing with the Subprocessor (hereinafter referred to as the Subprocessor Contract), within the meaning of Article 28(4) of GDPR, specifying the purpose, duration and scope of personal data processing, type of personal data and categories of data subjects, as applicable to the Contract;
- ensure that the Subprocessor Contract has provisions guaranteeing the security of personal data at a level not lower than specified in these General Terms;
- assume full responsibility for the Subprocessor’s actions that do not comply with current data protection laws or the General Terms of Personal Data Protection. In case of any disputes arising from improper performance of the contracts by the Subprocessor, the Processor shall always be a party to the dispute for the Controller;
- ensure that the Contract for Entrusting/the Subprocessor Contract provides for the Data Controller’s rights to control the Subprocessor with respect to the security of personal data entrusted to it under the Subprocessor Contract;
- ensure that the Contract for Entrusting/the Subprocessor Contract has a provision according to which the Subprocessor, without prejudice to the Processor’s obligations, assumes all of the Processor’s obligations arising from current regulations on personal data protection and from the Contract, in particular the obligations set forth in § 9 (IV) of the Contract;
- provide the Controller with a copy of the Contract for Entrusting/the Subprocessor Contract,
- ensure that the Controller has, at each stage of the performance of the Contract, an up-to-date list of all processors under the Contract (in the event that the Processor, upon approval of the Controller, stipulates a condition regarding further entrusting in the Subprocessor’s Contract).
- The Processor shall inform the Controller of each case of entering into and termination of the Subprocessor Contract within 7 days from entering into or termination of the Subprocessor Contract.
- The Processor shall be liable for the actions and omissions of the entity to which it has entrusted the data as for its own actions.
- The Processor shall, in particular, process the entrusted personal data:
- solely for the purpose and to the extent set forth in the General Terms;
- no longer than is necessary to perform the Contract;
- in compliance with the requirements referred to in § 9(I)(6) and § 9(II)(3) of the General Terms.
- The Processor shall immediately notify the Controller of any of the following information related to the performance of the Contract:
- any request for access to personal data;
- making personal data available to an authorised entity;
- any request of the data subject for the exercise of its rights under GDPR;
- any data breach incident no later than 48 hours from discovery of the breach to the following e-mail address:
The scope, purpose, and duration of the authorisations to the processing, type of personal data, categories of data subjects and the nature of the processing shall be consistent (shall not exceed) the scope, purpose and duration of the authorisations, types of personal data, categories of data subjects and the nature of the processing under the contract for entrusting. The obligation to keep confidential the personal data, the methods used to secure the data and other information affecting data security shall last during the term of the employment contract, or another contract between the Processor and the person to whom the data have been disclosed, and after its termination.
III. Specific obligations
- The Processor shall be liable with regard to the following: compliance with current data protection laws, obligations directly imposed on the Processor by GDPR, and, throughout the term of the Contract, the compliance with the provisions of the Contract.
- Pursuant to Article 28(10) and Article 82(2) of GDPR, the Processor shall be liable for any damage caused to the Controller as a result of the processing of personal data inconsistent with the Contract, with respect to personal data protection and current provisions of the personal data protection law, to the extent that the Processor has contributed to the damage.
- The Processor shall make available to the Controller all information necessary to demonstrate compliance with the obligations set out in current data protection laws, in particular in Article 28 of GDPR, and allow for audits, including inspections, conducted by the Controller or another auditor mandated by the Controller. The Processor shall contribute to these activities.
- The Processor shall not be authorised to transfer personal data to a non-European Economic Area (“EEA”) third country or international organisation within the meaning of current data protection laws, and represents that it does not, and will not, use Subprocessors transferring data outside the EEA.
- The Processor shall not be authorised to process personal data in cloud computing and represents that it does not, and will not, use Subprocessors processing personal data in cloud computing.
- In the event that the processing of personal data exceeds the scope of the Contract, the Processor shall become the Controller of the data processed outside the scope.
- Within the scope of the contract referred to in § 3(1) of the General Terms, the Processor shall assume all of the Controller’s obligations arising from current regulations on personal data protection and from this Contract for Entrusting, in particular the obligations set forth in § 9(I)(6) and (9), and § 9(II)(3), (5), (6), (12) and (13) of the General Terms.
IV. Term of the Contract
- The Contract for Entrusting shall be entered into for the term of the contract referred to in § 9(I)(2) of the General Terms, and shall terminate upon its termination.
- The Controller shall have the right to terminate this Contract with immediate effect if the Controller finds that the Processor processes personal data in breach of the Contract or GDPR.
- The Parties agree that within 14 days from the date of expiry or termination of the Contract, the Processor shall, at the Controller’s express written request and at its choice, either deliver to the Controller or destroy all the personal data entrusted to it for processing and copies thereof in a manner that makes the data unreadable, or anonymise the data and, at the Controller’s request, present a certificate confirming that these actions have been performed. Prior to deleting the data, the Processor shall inform the Controller in writing of the date of deletion. Should the Processor not inform the Controller in writing of the date of deletion, the Processor shall have the right to delete, damage, anonymise the data, etc.
- If other provisions of generally applicable law prohibit the destruction of all or part of the personal data entrusted under the Contract, the Processor shall ensure their confidentiality, integrity and accountability within the meaning of current laws on personal data protection and cease to process them actively. The Processor shall inform the Controller in writing about this fact, specifying such provisions.
- The Controller shall have the right to:
- control the way the Processor processes and secures the personal data entrusted to it, and in particular request the submission of documents which the Processor is obliged to possess and maintain, as explicitly stated in GDPR; the Processor shall be subject to an inspection or submit documents within 3 days from the date of the Controller’s request;
- request the suspension of the processing of personal data in the event that such data are processed contrary current data protection laws or the General Terms of Personal Data Protection;
- request that the entrusted data be returned immediately to the Controller or the processing be ceased in the procedure laid down in § 9(IV)(3) in the case referred to in section 2 above.
- The Processor shall keep the Controller informed of any enquiries addressed to the Processor by authorised inspection authorities concerning the performance of the Contract constituting the actual basis of entrustment or of the Contract for Entrusting. The Processor shall also keep the Controller informed of any upcoming or commenced inspections at the Processor and any identified irregularities.
§ 10 Copyrights
- The Service Provider shall immediately disclose to Corporate Diplomats & Translators in writing any work protected by copyright, including software, any innovations and technical improvements, regardless of whether they have been patented or not (be it a procedure, process, device, object, project, software, text or other asset) created or made by the Service Provider independently or jointly during the Service Provider’s employment for the purpose of Service completion.
- All work and results generated in the course of order processing that may be subject to copyright (including texts, software, trademarks, and others), innovations or improvements shall be the exclusive property of Corporate Diplomats & Translators (or its Client), with the exception of situations where Corporate Diplomats & Translators has otherwise decided in writing.
- The Service Provider, as part of the remuneration (at the moment of payment), shall transfer to Corporate Diplomats & Translators and the Client placing an order for translation the licence to use the work constituting the translation in all fields of exploitation known at the time the translation is issued (“Work”), and in particular:
- reproduction and recording using all available technologies (including xerography, reprography, photocopying, electronic and digital recording technologies, magnetic recording) or storing in computer memory;
- free marketing, distribution, including disposal, encumbrance, transfer, making available for use on the basis of any legal relationship, including contract of hire and contract of lending for use of the original or copies of the Work to any entity and at any time;
- making the Work available to the public – public display, broadcasting and re-broadcasting, and public sharing of the Work in such a way that anyone can have access to it at a place and time individually chosen by them;
- display in advertisements and offers in other public ways, including on the Internet, Intranet, and closed networks, publishing, making the Work available in other ways, making the Work available to the public in such a way that anyone can have access to it;
- making changes, modifications, compilations, and translations of the Work.
- The Service Provider represents to Corporate Diplomats & Translators that it shall not use the completed Service for any purpose other than that arising from the Service Contract. The Service Provider hereby declares that it shall not transfer proprietary copyrights to the Work and shall not grant licences for the Work to entities other than those specified in § 10(3) of the General Terms.
- The Service Provider hereby authorises Corporate Diplomats & Translators and the Clients commissioning the services to grant unrestricted sub-licences of the performed service in the fields of exploitation specified in § 10(3) of the General Terms, and agrees to the use and distribution of the Work within the specified scope. The Service Provider shall grant Corporate Diplomats & Translators the permission to exercise the related copyrights in compilations and adaptations.
- Upon the Service completion, the Service Provider shall transfer to Corporate Diplomats & Translators the exclusive right to obtain a patent, trademark protection right or right in registration (of a utility model or industrial design) of the Work (including parts thereof) at home and abroad, and shall grant Corporate Diplomats & Translators the exclusive priority to obtain a patent, trademark protection right or right in registration of the Work (including parts thereof) at home and abroad.
- Both during the Service performance and thereafter, the Service Provider shall fully cooperate in taking necessary steps and measures aimed at obtaining by Corporate Diplomats & Translators or confirming the ownership status arising from such rights.
- The Service Provider shall not publish or distribute any material containing the content created within the scope of the order. Corporate Diplomats & Translators shall retain ownership of such material, including copyright.
- The Service Provider hereby declares that the remuneration for the performance of the translation shall fully compensate the Service Provider for the granting of sub-licences in all fields of exploitation specified in § 10(3) of the General Terms, and for the granting of consents and acceptance of obligations specified in § 10 of the General Terms.
- The Service Provider hereby declares that the licences, sub-licences, consents, and obligations referred to in this section shall not be limited in time or territory.
- The Service Provider hereby declares that the completed Service constitutes an original work that does not infringe any copyrights.
- This Contract shall not require that Corporate Diplomats & Translators or its Clients distribute the Work.
§ 11 Non-Disclosure clause
- The Service Provider shall keep confidential all information and data, including in particular those involving trade secrets of Corporate Diplomats & Translators and those obtained from Corporate Diplomats & Translators in connection with the performance of the Service. The Service Provider shall, in particular, keep confidential all information, documents, contact data, personal data, contents of processed documents and materials received or obtained intentionally or accidentally from Corporate Diplomats & Translators, its partners and employees, in oral, written or electronic form, and concerning, in particular, any data and matters of clients and business partners of Corporate Diplomats & Translators, the organisational structure, the organisation of work and the manner in which Corporate Diplomats & Translators conducts business, hereinafter referred to as “Confidential Information.” The Service Provider shall not communicate, disclose or use information constituting Confidential Information, or unlawfully acquire it, or acquire it from an unauthorised person, if this threatens or prejudices the interests of Corporate Diplomats & Translators.
- In the event of any doubt as to whether a particular information or message constitutes Confidential Information, it shall be deemed to be Confidential Information.
- Within the meaning of the General Terms and Conditions for Service Providers, the following information shall constitute Confidential information: technical, technological, commercial, and organisational information of Corporate Diplomats & Translators, or other information of economic value, which has not been made public as to which Corporate Diplomats & Translators has taken the necessary measures to keep them confidential, documents, materials, information regarding the organisational structure of Corporate Diplomats & Translators and the tools and solutions used, its legal successors, information on the client base, subsidiaries and contractors, the organisation of work and the manner in which business is carried out, all data concerning partners and clients of Corporate Diplomats & Translators, or other information on services, processes, programmes, knowledge, concepts and innovations, formulas, business methods, all financial and accounting data, access data to the Online Platform, marketing data, client data, client lists, and other information of Corporate Diplomats & Translators and its clients acquired by the Service Provider during the term of a contract with the Service Provider.
- The Confidential Information provided by Corporate Diplomats & Translators constitutes a business secret and the Service Provider shall have the right to use it to the extent necessary, but only for the purpose of performing the Service. The Service Provider shall use Confidential Information as authorised and only in the manner and to the extent necessary to perform its obligations under the Contract.
- The Service Provider shall exercise the utmost care in connection with the confidentiality of Confidential Information obtained from Corporate Diplomats & Translators, its employees, affiliates, clients, and contractors. In the course of and in connection with the cooperation, the Service Provider shall duly secure materials, documents, devices or other carriers containing Confidential Information in such a way that unauthorised persons do not gain unlawful access to them. The Service Provider shall, in particular:
- prevent the disclosure, publication or dissemination of Confidential Information by exercising the same degree of care as is used in preventing the disclosure, publication and dissemination of its own information of a similar nature, but no less than is reasonable in the circumstances;
- use Confidential Information only for the purposes of mutual cooperation between the Parties.
- All Confidential Information shall be the sole property of Corporate Diplomats & Translators. The provision of Confidential Information to the Service Provider shall not be understood as conferring any right to Confidential Information other than the right to use it in accordance with the Contract. In particular, the provision of any Confidential Information that includes proprietary copyrights shall not constitute the granting of a licence or the transfer of proprietary copyrights.
- The Service Provider agrees that all documents and other durable media containing Confidential Information, and all copies, reprints, reproductions, and translations of the above information made by Corporate Diplomats & Translators shall be immediately returned or removed upon any request by Corporate Diplomats & Translators. Derivative documents and materials, i.e. documents or materials developed by or on behalf of the Service Provider, based on documents or materials provided by Corporate Diplomats & Translators in connection with the performance of the Contract, shall be removed or returned under the same conditions.
- Should the Service Provider give up the order, the Service Provider shall immediately return or remove all documents or other property (including all carriers regardless of the form of fixation) containing, related or referring to Confidential Information, regardless of whether such documents or property were prepared by Corporate Diplomats & Translators or by other persons.
- Within the meaning of the General Terms, the following shall not be deemed Confidential Information:
- information publicly disclosed by Corporate Diplomats & Translators;
- information publicly known or publicly available;
- information deemed non-confidential as stated by Corporate Diplomats & Translators in writing when providing it to the Service Provider;
- information requested by a court or an administrative authority as required by law.
- The Service Provider shall have the right to disclose Confidential Information only to its employees who need such information to perform their obligations under the cooperation, and only to the extent that is necessary for the proper performance of the Contract. The Service Provider shall provide Confidential Information to its employees provided that they are informed of the confidential nature of Confidential Information and agree, in writing, to keep secret Confidential Information, not to disclose it, in whole or in part, to any other person, and not to use it for any other purpose than that set out in these General Terms, and to the extent no lesser than set out in the Contract.
- The Service Provider shall exercise the utmost care in protecting Confidential Information from unauthorised access by third parties, including, in particular, to duly secure Confidential Information in its IT systems. In the event that the Service Provider suspects that any unauthorised third party has come into possession of Confidential Information, including, in particular, an unlawful breach of the security of the IT systems used by the Service Provider, the Service Provider shall immediately notify Corporate Diplomats & Translators of this fact and take all necessary security measures.
§ 12 Information Clause on the Processing of Personal Data
- Corporate Diplomats & Translators Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Ksawerów 3, 02-656 Warszawa, entered by the District Court for the Capital City of Warszawa, 13th Business Division of the National Court Register under No. 0000863770, NIP [VAT] No. 1182214829, REGON [National Official Business Register] No. 387299795, e-mail address: (“Corporate Diplomats & Translators”) shall be the Data Controller.
- Contact with the Controller shall be possible by e-mail to or by letter to Corporate Diplomats & Translators Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Ksawerów 3, 02-656 Warszawa.
- Corporate Diplomats & Translators shall process personal data for the following purposes:
- on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016, in connection with entering into and performance of a service contract and in order to take steps at the request of the User prior to entering into a contract;
- on the basis of Article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016, for compliance with legal obligations imposed on Corporate Diplomats & Translators in connection with entering into and performance of a service contract, including for tax purposes;
- on the basis of Article 6(1)(f) of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016, where the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller, including the need to protect the controller’s rights in court and administrative proceedings;
- on the basis of Article 6(1)(a) of the General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016, where the User has given its consent to the processing, and in particular for marketing purposes.
- The following entities may be recipients of personal data:
- entities authorised to receive personal data, in particular when the authorisation results from the law (including Tax Offices, enforcement authorities, and authorities conducting court and criminal proceedings);
- entities processing data under the authority and on behalf of Corporate Diplomats & Translators, in particular:
- companies hosting mailboxes and providing storage space to the controller (Google LLC);
- external accounting office (personnel and payroll services);
- legal services;
- entities that are involved in the processes necessary for the performance of contracts to which the User is a party, including banks, credit card companies, and intermediaries for electronic payments and online payments.
- right of access to personal data;
- right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data and the right to have incomplete personal data completed;
- right to obtain the erasure of personal data (“right to be forgotten”) where:
- the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
- the data subject withdraws consent on which the processing is based and where there is no other legal ground for the processing;
- the data subject objects to the processing;
- the personal data have been unlawfully processed;
- the personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation provided for by law;
- the personal data have been collected in connection with the offer of information society services;
- right to obtain the restriction of the processing of personal data where:
- the accuracy of the personal data is contested by the data subject;
- the processing is unlawful and the data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of their use instead;
- the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by the data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;
- the data subject has objected to the processing pending the verification whether the legitimate grounds of the controller override those of the data subject;
- right to the portability of personal data where:
- the processing is based on consent or on a contract; and
- the processing is carried out by automated means;
- right to object to the processing of personal data on grounds relating to the User’s particular situation and where the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the controller.
§ 13 Final Provisions
- If any provision of these General Terms and Conditions for Service Providers is held to be invalid in whole or in part, or unenforceable, other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. With respect to the provisions that are invalid or unenforceable, generally applicable laws shall apply.
- Any disputes arising out of the performance of the Service shall be attempted to be resolved amicably by the Parties. In particular, the Parties shall attempt to undertake mediation proceedings before a Mediator appointed by the Parties, in good faith and with respect for mutual legitimate interest. Should the agreement be impossible to reach, the disputes shall be settled by the competent court in accordance with the applicable provisions of Polish law.
- The provisions of Polish law shall apply to matters not governed by these General Terms and Conditions for Service Providers.
- Corporate Diplomats & Translators shall have the right to amend these General Terms and Conditions for Service Providers in accordance with the procedures and conditions set forth by applicable law, with an effect on the Contracts entered into on the basis of these General Terms and Conditions for Service Providers.
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