In Poland, a sworn translator is a profession governed by legal regulations. The Act on the Profession of Sworn Translator sets forth the terms of cooperation (with various public administration bodies, among others), and indirectly shapes the commercial terms of the settlement.

Home office desks
The pandemic declared in 2020 has left its mark on almost every aspect of our private and professional lives. As a translation agency, we form a hub: our clients represent almost every sector of the economy at home and abroad and, since we translate a great number of internal documents, we have a great insight into the changes forced by the pandemic.
How do translators handle large research papers?
The translation of research papers publications and large research projects is a very challenging task requiring adequate skills. This is not a job for an inexperienced translator or a translation agency which, once it has received a translation from the translator, will do one thing only: use the “forward” button in the e-mail box to send it back.
Change again? No, thanks.
The world of motivation is definitely on top of trends now. Motivational speakers are springing up like mushrooms and, more importantly, constantly have clients. What does it mean? It means that people really need someone to make them move forward to work, learn, lose weight, quit habits, take up something new, end a relationship, make a decision, and stop complaining, to mention but a few.
What came first: language or thought?
Certainly, Lucy was first… On 24 November 1974, in the Hadar region in the Danakil Basin (Ethiopia), scientists discovered the fossil Lucy, the oldest known female creature. Her skeleton, preserved in 40 percent, proves that Lucy walked upright and thus was a representative of the species Australopithecus afarensis.
Sensitivity, empathy, emotions, and artificial intelligence
Will machines be more emotional, empathetic and sensitive than humans? Given what some people do, the answer seems “yes,” especially in extreme cases requiring hardly any reconstruction.
Distributed teams or on-site work – what is ahead of us?
Remote work was already known before the advent of the Internet. Outwork, involving in particular the small-scale manufacturing market with commissioned works and materials supplied by the employer, has been in place for many years and is still doing well.
Why do we need truth in communication?
Virtually all creatures living on Earth communicate with one another. It is evident today that animals communicate with one another at every level of development. Moreover, animals are able to think (though possibly not the way we do), feel, experience joy and fear, be empathic, and become attached to one another and to humans.